Distinguished Citizen said. It is an unquestionable director of plastic values, with credit often entered into various schools and technicians, from abstract to figurative, but in this, the figurative is where does feel most comfortable. Cabra figuracin consider the moves of two parameters: first, the veneration towards their ancestors, their love for their homeland, Armenia, and traditions. The second, his fervor for painting. Both elements act like communicating vessels. In our century, where neither formal nor informal, or aesthetics, or the technique, subject to rules estn apparently estsupeditado anything to anything, except in the performance-checking plastic obtained. In Tors these achievements are excellent, the way to l assume leading roles. Your search his speech is demanding in its form of expression, language is the matter, the color, which is combined in a variety of values. Transparencies achieved, faint light timeless invading certain areas of their paintings lightening the field and play like a ... Professor Carlos Alberto Giuffra. Tors Gurlekin artist unique sensitivity that turns in his work, which pays tribute to the memory, love, the reflection of man and nature. He lives in San Antonio de Padua at which engalancon his mural "Argentina" in the Hospital Eva Bolt with his "Wall of Life" given to the firemen of Merlin or the logo and coat of San Antonio Padua. Since 1973 states individually and walked from the living room works of art from the Colonial to the Recoleta Cultural Center and Art Hall of Sheraton Hotel, through the Hall of Lost Steps of Congress nation, Hall Diario Clarin, Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the nation, among others. Also on the outside know and appreciate the fine art and his works were exhibited in the cities of Yerevan (Armenia), Hamburg (Germany), and Foz de IguazBrasil). This not to mention that private collectors in Japan, USA, Brazil, France, Armenia and Uruguay are delighted with this exquisite artist paints plastic. Nascent Armenia. Mutual learning in Fine Arts at the Casa de la Cultura Municipal (Ramos Mejia, Buenos Aires Province). Juan A. Estudicon teachers Gabriele, Cleto Carpanelli Ciocchini and Emilio. People participate Society Art Avellaneda, Club La Estampa de Buenos Aires, plastic artist and SAAP Western Society (plastic artist). Included in the Encyclopedia Iberoamericana his La Barca de San A. Padova entering the Port of Mar del Plata.